Open Source 32
- How to fix Azure.RequestFailedException - One of the request inputs is not valid. exception
- Change Url Dynamically for GraphQL Client (Strawberry Shake)
- DbLocalizationProvider v8.0 Released
- Overview of some of the less-known Optimizely Add-Ons
- Optimizely Advanced ContentArea Renderer for Forms is Back!
- Optimizely Advanced ContentArea Renderer is Back!
- Optimizely DeveloperTools are back!
- Import Your Localized Resources in v7.5
- Dynamic Route in ASP.NET Core When MapDynamicControllerRoute Does Not Work
- GoogleProductFeed for Optimizely - Reloaded
- How to Configure Microsoft.Extensions.Logging in Optimizely CMS11
- How To Easily Exhaust SNAT Sockets in Your Azure Function
- DbLocalizationProvider v7 Out!
- Avoid Lock - Pointing Two WebJobs to The Same Azure Storage Account
- How-to Pack Your Shell Module for Optimizely Content Cloud
- What New APIs Are Coming in Optimizely Content Cloud vNext?
- Fixing 99% CPU usage in gRPC service
- Discovering Most Stupid Mistake I Ever Made - Analyzing gRPC Service MemDump from Linux based Docker Running on ACI
- Implementing gRPC Auto-Reconnect on Timeout
- Bootstrap Content Area Renderer Update for Episerver
- Localization Provider Update
- LocalizationProvider Under the Tests
- Episerver Localization Provider - Major v6 Released!
- Localization Provider - Major 6 Released!
- Episerver ContentArea with AllowedTypes Specified by Interface
- Episerver DeveloperTools - UI Refresh
- LocalizationProvider v5.7 Is Out
- LocalizationProvider Client Side Feature now also for Asp.Net Mvc Apps
- Client-side Localization in Asp.Net Core Using LocalizationProvider
- Object Cache Viewer Joins EPiServer Developer Tools
- How Risky are EPiServer.DeveloperTools on Production Environment?
- What's new in FeatureSwitch?