
Year in Review

This is yet another period of the year when you pause a bit and look back. I’ve been taught to be in the present moment and not to look in the past or try to predict the future, but nonetheless it’s a way to thank you all great people around me.

Episerver has a great ecosystem and great community, I am very thankful to both. Spare time projects is great way to achieve something, to help other fellows and sharpen a bit your own technical and soft skills.

This was immense year and I would like to thank couple of people for opportunity and motivation they gave me.

Source for Happiness

can you define what is happiness? I cannot. But I can define what is life fuel and encourage to seek one for yourself as well. It’s a moment when you truly love what you are doing and you can feel purpose of the things you have done and “impact” you have made. I don’t like word “impact”, because it sounds massive. Your actions that influence other people, words and attitude is what I call “impact”. When you have work place that’s basically makes it possible to develop a impactful action plan and implement it, that’s what I call source of happiness. When you love your doings and plans you are able to accomplish, and people with whom you can work together and technologies you would like to try out. Thank you, Geta Digital.

Journey for DbLocalizationProvider

When it comes to localization provider, think this was a great year for the package. It’s been quite busy period over the year and lot of places where I somehow managed to show up and talk about the package, Episerver and other topics.

I would like to thank great people around me without whom that would not be possible (in <ul> order):

  • Allan Thræn
  • Marija Jemuovic
  • Jeroen Stemerdink
  • Petri Isola
  • Michael Knudsen
  • Henrik Fransas

And also would like to thank everyone who mailed me with just a message to appreciate effort put into the library. I also thank fellows who create issues on GitHub. It makes it all better and together we can make world a better place.

Microsoft & netstandard2.0

This has been incredible year for Microsoft as well. Launching .Net Standard 2.0 is just an example. Whole new world affects us in one or another way. For the localization provider and other packages this impact made couple of fundamental changes in architecture and mindset in general. Think that Microsoft has learned a lot likewise. NetStandard affected DbLocalizationProvider architecture as well. I’ve been busy couple last weeks to make it happen on netstandard2.0 and also add support for netcoreapp2.0 target frameworks. This is a topic for other blog post (that’s been in progress at the moment of writing). It’s been interesting journey as well to refactor from bigger repositories pattern down to a small set of commands and queries.

Next Year Ahead

I set first goal for the next year to finish up and publish as soon as possible full support of DbLocalizationProvider for netcoreapp2.0. This might take a bit longer as initially planned due to fact that admin user interface just screams to be rewritten. As eventually it might be required to support 3 platforms at the same time (Episerver, Asp.Net, Asp.Net Core).

Next closest goal would be to write a review of great book from a great author. Robert Cecil Martin (aka “Uncle Bob”) has some great addition to the industry and latest one is about keeping your architecture clean.

A great source of inspiration is opportunity to meet and greet with people you alike. Next year’s Ascend in Las Vegas is something I’ll miss a lot.

I’m holding MVP title for Microsoft as well and decided to meet some old fellows and friends in Seattle instead in annual Microsoft MVP Summit.

Happy New Year everyone!! See you somewhere/somehow around the globe.


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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